«Bertinе House» Center – rehabilitation program for women

Программа реабилитации для женщин.

The program includes three stages: rehabilitation, adaptation and socialization. All these stages are closely related to each other, as they are aimed at a personal renewal.

This program is designed for a special category of society – a woman and her child.

A rehabilitation center accepts women, who has drug and alcohol addictions as well as been released from prisons. All of them have children not older than three years.

The purpose of the work is showing an exit in hard circumstances and opening a new way to prevail them in every woman life. They receive a new chance in specially created conditionals to became a new persons and to start new life. Three things that every rehabilitated woman must understand by the end of the rehabilitation program : I am PERSONALITY, I am WOMAN, I am MOTHER.

The program of rehabilitation is divided into two courses. During the first course (it normally lasts 12 months) a woman and her child lives in a rehabilitation center. It includes provision, training and minister`s supervision. The second part of the program includes living outside the rehabilitation center. It means independent providing, seeking for a job and deals with registration their children in a kindergarten or a school. The volunteers of the fund continue to help and support every woman giving her necessary coordination, consultation as well as psychological support.

During her staying in a rehabilitation center a woman also is provided with assistance in different kind of paperwork: passports, child allowance and etc. ). Also all children are under the supervision of doctor-pediatrician. All of them get vaccinated accordingly the calendar, visit necessary specialists. All women, being on a rehabilitation, also are under the supervision of doctors who are specialists on the profile of disease.

Rehabilitation center program is built in a collaboration with all governmental social services. Since its foundation “Bertinе House Center» has been closely and fruitfully cooperating with Ukrainian social services, prisons and also other rehabilitation centers.

The program, according to the «Bertinе House Center» works is based on the truly Christian teaching, that is able to change not only a body but also a soul. Studying of Biblical truths is basis of rehabilitation.

Upon admission to the rehabilitation center every woman gets acquainted with the rules of staying and signs an agreement in which all the rules are written. After the agreement is signed a woman is given different kind of services: material help, place for living, provision and daily hygiene products.

Every woman has a right to stop the rehabilitation process on her desire. So she is free in her decisions. An only condition is informing of center administration about her intentions.

The program of rehabilitation passes through different kind of evaluations, verifications and corrections from the side of specialists. It improves the project and makes it more and more efficient.

Charitable Fund  «Bertina» is a non-profit organization which directly depends  on the charity of people. By joining our forces, we can help the future not only of women, but also of children, who will build our future society. Don’t get tired of doing good. If we do not stop doing good, then the time will come when we will also reap the harvest from the sowed. (Galatians 6: 9 NWP)


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